ยท March 7, 2024

GraphQL Bangkok hosted at Agoda

GraphQL Bangkok hosted at Agoda

On the 7th of March 2024, Agoda, HubQL, and Rocket Connect delivered an insightful event titled "GraphQL Bangkok 13.0 Meetup." The event had a variety of topics, including working with Graphs and GraphQL, understanding GraphQL schemas with visualization, mocking GraphQL APIs, and managing GraphQL APIs.

The event was hosted on Meetup and uploaded to YouTube.

  1. Meetup Event
  2. YouTube Playlist


The event was hosted at the Agoda office in Central World Bangkok, Thailand.


The event featured a range of speakers from HubQL, Solo, Tyk, and Rocket Connect.

  1. Pichyapa Khanapattanawong
  2. Leon Nunes
  3. Sandeep Mangalath
  4. Dan Starns


Understand your Graphql schema with visualization

  • Pichyapa Khanapattanawong

See why and how Hubql visualization can help you and your team understand your GraphQL schema better ๐Ÿš€

Mocking GraphQL with microcks

  • Leon Nunes

In this talk Leon will be going over how one can Mock GraphQL API's in Microcks and Gloo Platform. Developing API's are nice but often developing API's requires mocking, one such platform that provides mocking microcks, how this works is something we'll explore with GraphQL API's in this talk.

Life is easier managing your GraphQL API with Tyk

  • Sandeep Mangalath

Are you keen on exploring GraphQL API for your development work? Are you an on-call Developer managing your company's critical GraphQL APIs? Or are you the one sitting in war rooms when you find that your GraphQL endpoint is compromised and you want to know the best ways to secure your GraphQL APIs? Then this talk is for you.

Working with Graphs and GraphQL

  • Dan Starns

Dan is the Founder and CTO at Rocket Connect working closely with people and companies in open source. Previously a core contributor to Neo4j the Database and Prisma the ORM, Dan comes to Bangkok from London to bring his wealth of knowledge and showcase how to use Graph databases with GraphQL.



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